Since humans have had dogs in their lives, we have domesticated them to live with us, eating scraps from our plates and eventually providing for them like our own children. During this time, their palates have evolved, as they have, and now their bodies can tolerate various foods.
So this made me think about what vegetables Cavaliers can eat. Whilst researching, I found many different types, such as;
- Broccoli
- Brussel Sprouts
- Carrots
- Celery
- Green beans
- Peas
- Sweet potatoes (yams) and potatoes
- Corn
Best Vegetables for Dogs

We all know that dogs are Carnivores. It’s in their genetics and comes from their long history of hunting animals. But vegetables are full of essential vitamins and nutrients that are important for the dietary requirements of the modern-day dog.
Broccoli – Can dogs eat broccoli? Of course, they can. It contains calcium for strong teeth and bones, fiber, and potassium. It also contains more protein than most vegetables. Always start with small amounts, which can cause stomach upsets if too much is eaten.
Brussel Sprouts – Has more than 3 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and zero fat. These are a superfood that is not to be sniffed at (if you know what I mean………pooey!)
Carrots – My favorite veggie of them all, packed with vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Please don’t give your Cavvy too many, as they also have natural sugars.
Celery – One of the healthiest snacks available, crammed with fiber, and has the lowest calorie count of all veggies. A quick tip for humans, a few sticks of celery blended in a soup makes it taste amazing.
Green beans – With vitamins A, C, and K, green beans are fantastic for heart health (ideal for Cavaliers) and are said to lower LDL cholesterol (which is the bad kind).
Peas – Low in fat and sodium, these little green wonders are so good they can lower the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.
Sweet potatoes (yams) and potatoes – Sweet potatoes and regular potatoes are carbohydrate-rich, so they will keep your Cavaliers tummy full for longer. But ensure they are cooked through, as raw potatoes of any kind contain solanine which is toxic to all breeds of dog.
Corn – High in fiber and excellent for the digestive system, corn is an ideal accompaniment to your dog’s food. But always remove it from the cob, as when chewed, it becomes sharp and fibrous, making it a serious choking hazard for your pooch.
How to Prepare Vegetables for Dogs

When preparing any vegetable for your Cavalier, or any breed of dog for that matter, you must first ensure the preferred cooking method, or even if it needs cooking at all.
Take broccoli, for instance. This can be steamed, boiled, or eaten raw. The lower the cooking time means more nutrients are kept within it, so even though it can be cooked, it is best to keep that time to a minimum for maximum goodness.
Different parts of the brocoli plant have different names, such as Bud, Crown, Floret, Leaf, Stalk, and Stem
Another factor to consider is that dogs cannot process every food humans eat; a big one is salt.
Salt in large quantities is bad for humans, but even a small amount for dogs is very bad for them. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even seizures.
So when cooking anything for your Cavalier, ensure it is cooked without condiments. Even if you think it will taste bland, it will not be bland for your dog.
Steaming is probably the best way to cook various vegetables, but boiling is also fine. However, you should never fry them, as the oils will cause an upset stomach. Dogs are not supposed to eat fried foods, so stick to steaming and boiling.
Vegetable Size
The size of the vegetables is something else to consider, as dogs can be quite greedy at times. I know my Cavalier is. She will gulp her food down without even thinking about it.
So if you don’t chop vegetables into bite-sized pieces, they may choke on their food. Also, you need to consider how you chop them. This sounds silly, I know but bear with me.
Have you ever eaten a chip and not chewed it enough before swallowing it? You get that horrible scraping feeling all the way down your oesophagus. Horrible, isn’t it?
Now would you like your precious bundle of fur to experience that? Of course not, so ensure you don’t leave big sharp corners on anything while chopping, such as celery, as it can jab your throat.
What Vegetables Can Dogs NOT Eat

Although vegetables are good for your dogs’ health, some should never be offered to your pampered pooch, as they can be detrimental to their health. Some of these are;
Mushrooms – Although many people classify them as a vegetable, they are a fungus and grow in various locations. Store-bought mushrooms are perfectly safe for your dog to consume, but the wild-grown variety can be deadly.
If you are not an expert at foraging for your food, it would be wise to stay away from wild-grown mushrooms and keep an eye on your Cavvy when walking in the woods to ensure they are not trying to gobble them up.
Onions, Leeks, and Garlic – These vegetables are part of the allium family, which also includes shallots and chives, and contain compounds that are detrimental to your dog’s health. The toxic component in onions is called N-propyl disulfide and can cause damage to a dog’s red blood cells.
It has been reported that your dog may tolerate small amounts of garlic, but why even risk it? Garlic gives your dog no nutritional value and could cause them harm, so keep it just for us humans.
Symptoms of onion toxicity in dogs may include weakness, lethargy, pale gums, vomiting, and diarrhea. In some severe cases, it can lead to anemia and even death.
Macadamia nuts (and salted nuts) – Okay, not a vegetable, but still worth noting that macadamia nuts are not good for dogs. Even a small amount of macadamia nuts can cause vomiting, hyperthermia, tremors, and pancreatitis.
Salted nuts are not good due to their salt content and can actually cause salt toxicity. If you wish to treat your dog with nuts as the occasional treat, ensure they are plain, such as raw almonds, cashews, or peanuts.
Remember that they are high in calories, which could cause weight gain, and always consult your veterinarian before introducing new foods.
Obesity in Cavaliers
Obesity can be a big problem in Cavaliers, so feeding them a healthy, balanced diet is vital. If you are concerned about the foods your dog is eating, speak to your local veterinarian to discuss meal plans for your Cavalier.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the healthiest vegetable for dogs?
The healthiest vegetables for dogs are Carrots, Peas, and Broccoli, so no singular vegetable could be recommended for dogs to eat.
A combination of vegetables is recommended to ensure they get all the nutrients they need.
What vegetables can I give my dog every day?
Carrots can be a great addition to dog food. However, as they contain natural sugars, you must ensure they don’t eat too many.
What are the best vegetables for puppies?
Puppies can eat the same vegetables as dogs, so long as they are cut to the correct size so that they do not choke.
Can dogs eat the skin of vegetables?
Dogs can eat the skins of many vegetables, so long as they are prepared correctly. Be Chewy has a very handy list of vegetable preparation instructions and is a very good read.
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